Sacred Contracts – Why You Should Tear Them Up and Demand a New Lawyer

Carolyn Myss is a popular author, teacher and medical intuitive who is probably best known for two bestselling books: Anatomy of the Spirit and Sacred Contracts.

Anatomy of the Spirit is about understanding the seven “chakras” or energy centers of the body, as outlined in the Hindu traditions. But Myss puts her own spin on them and teaches readers how to use these energy centers to experience healing and personal power.

In Sacred Contracts she alleges the following:

“In short, a Sacred Contract is an agreement your soul makes before you are born,” Myss explains. “You promise to do certain things for yourself, for others, and for divine purposes. Part of the Contract requires that you discover what you are meant to do.”

These various sacred contracts are broken down into various archetypes like the Avenger, the Trickster, the Networker, or the Prostitute. And Myss teaches readers how to understand which contract they supposedly agreed to adhere to before they were born and encourages them to follow the energies of these archetypes and express them to fulfill their life purpose.

I say it’s a bunch of horse pooey.

If we’ve really entered into these contracts before we were born, who provided the other signature on the contract?

I think we need a better attorney because it’s highly likely that any such pre-birth agreements were made with Custodial beings, not with the Infinite, Divine energy that is truly our spiritual Creator or point of origin as limitless energy beings.

The very idea that we must be restricted to only express one side of ourselves through an archetypal form doesn’t jibe with the notion that we are powerful spiritual beings.

Instead, it smacks of Custodial control.

It’s no better than astrology, which also attempts to limit our self-expression through condemning us to act out certain archetypal energies. Most practitioners of astrology view astrology this way – as a set series of conditions placed upon the soul at the time of birth as reflected in the birth chart. It should be said though that there are many new types of astrology out there that are reexamining these old traditions and looking at this ancient system of stereotyping the soul in fresh ways, suggesting that maybe we are NOT our sun sign after all. Which is a good thing!

But people love to read sun sign profiles or personality profiles, and since Carolyn Myss’ book offers up neat chapters about people born under each type of contract, it makes for a popular and entertaining read. You’re taught that you are “meant” to express yourself through one main archetype throughout your lifetime, and indeed, you “must” fulfill this sacred contract if you want anything good to happen to you.


Why is it that Custodial traditions are always into the “You must do this!” “Obey or die, mere mortal” language? Nowhere is it mentioned in these traditions that we are infinite, spiritually sovereign beings who happen to be hanging out in a physical body for a while.

Instead it’s always rules, rules, and more rules.

I’ve always found Carolyn Myss to be a rather unfriendly, suspect person. Her appearances on TV have not impressed me at all. She always seems to be cold and arrogant in the way she responds to people’s questions.

Some years ago I was talking to a man whose family is close to Myss’ family, and he says the first time he spent a day with Myss she was griping at her family members and not behaving like a particularly enlightened spiritual teacher at all. And he realized, much to his chagrin at the time, that she was nothing like the all-knowing mystic master she would appear to be in her books.

Maybe she was simply having a bad day. But when my acquaintance talked about her he put it this way, “If she’s so plugged into these sacred contracts that she’s supposed to fulfill, was her contract about being bitchy to people?”

Maybe it was! Or maybe she has full reign to behave as she chooses because she was the one who wrote the book and devised the “system.”

I dunno. Personal criticisms aside (and I have no firsthand experience with Myss other than seeing her on some TV shows,) I think it’s a good idea to question the concept that we are limited to adhering to some “contract” that we signed before showing up on Earth.

Given the manipulation that has been happening to human souls for aeons, it’s reasonable to assume that we might not have had all the information we needed before signing those contracts.

And it’s probably time for a major renegotiation.

Although, since Custodial energies rarely play fair and seem to prefer the old “Cower before me, mere mortals!” game, maybe we should just rip up the damn contracts and go “Niener, niener!” at those controlling entities.

It’s a bit like parents who, upon seeing that their five-year-old shows some early signs of talent as a singer, athlete, or musician, forces the kid into endless classes devoted to bringing out their “genius.” Then, when the kid displays other talents and inclinations, the parent continues to force the violin lessons or the French lessons down his throat. “This is your sacred contract! This is what you are meant to do!”

Who are THEY to limit one’s personal self-expression in such a way?

Parent or Custodian, it’s a shoddy way to treat your kids.

Yoga- A Tool to Invoke the Gods or Custodians

Yoga is catch all term for many different practices that attempt to align the practitioner with spiritual energies. It comes to us from the rich, complex, Hindu religion, which honors many “gods.”

Some styles of yoga state at the core of their traditions that they are used to invoke these “gods,” even going so far as to invite them into the body. And some traditions go even further – encouraging adherents to focus on completing uniting themselves with the gods of yoga.


The Custodians would appear to be at it again.

I’m always hard on these entities, even though humanity has had a love/hate affair with them for millennia. Some people would say, “What’s wrong with attempting to unite with the divine? Why wouldn’t you want to invite the gods into your life or into your body or, indeed, to attempt to merge with them?”

I would respond with this – “What exactly are you trying to merge with? And how can you be certain that the thing or being you’re inviting in has your best interests at heart?”

Just because something has been done for thousands of years doesn’t mean it’s good for you.

Humanity shat in the woods (or in outhouses or chamber pots) for many centuries before modern plumbing was invented. The resulting diseases occurred because we weren’t practicing good hygiene.

Does this mean that modern plumbing is bad?


It means we got smarter and cleaner and healthier. We began to try new things that gave us a better standard of living.

In a similar way, we need to be getting smarter about practicing good spiritual hygiene. And we need to be questioning the “gods” and their true nature at every opportunity.

That doesn’t meant that we should be disrespectful to people who practice yoga. Many wonderful people and teachers have been practitioners of this ancient system. And yet even they may have been misled, not understanding that the very tenets of that system were Custodial (i.e., spiritually enslaving toward humanity.)

Many older yoga teachers will discuss that yes, indeed, yoga (especially Hatha yoga, one of the most popular forms) has always focused on invoking the gods and inviting them into the body or energy system. But you won’t find this bit of information in the many popular “Yoga for Yuppies” books sold at Barnes and Noble! You have to actually talk to the yogis about this. And many of the younger yoga teachers either aren’t aware of what the original Vedas said about yoga, or they aren’t talking about it – or both! I’ve had two older yoga teachers from India admit to me off the record that yes, in the original texts, yoga was all about bringing these “gods” into the body through the various postures. That’s kind of a big admission, don’t you think? So why isn’t it talked about more openly?

I found an interesting blog the other day where the publisher briefly talks about yoga. The blog is called Animam Recro: Explorations in the Esoteric and the Political.

Here is some of what this fascinating blogger had to say about The Gods Within Hinduisim:

I recently met an interesting person and we got into a rather lengthy conversation. . .While speaking with him, I got to the topic of divinity within man. My new friend told me several stories and then mentioned one of his favorite techniques in Hinduism. One can invoke certain Gods when in need of help, usually invoking the God whose particular attribute would be most helpful to you. I’ve never considered the psychological significance of this before. Putting aside whether these Gods ‘physically’ exist or not, this is a very interesting practice of self-empowerment.

Self-empowerment? Or psychic possession?

The blogger also provides an interesting quote from The Cosmic Trigger by Robert Anton Wilson:

In bhakti yoga, you form a love-bond with a particular divinity, dedicate every waking moment to Him (or Her) and invoke that Divine Being by every method possible, especially vivid visual imagination.

Hmm, if you’re doing this every day, should it be any surprise if your personality begins to change, your body goes through strange transformations, you experience mental disturbances and other classic symptoms of psychic possession? You’ve been inviting something alien (or someone!) into your body!

One of the commenters on this post had the following to say:

In Hindu Bhakti yoga, first devotee worships a personal God with name and form; Then that God becomes light; Then as devotee matures in devotion, that God becomes void or devotee & God becomes ONE. …This happens to every one who seeks after God, irrespective one is Hindu or not.

And that’s the root of the problem, isn’t it?

Too often spiritual and religious traditions encourage people to deny the body, to let go of the self, and to resign to something from the OUTSIDE coming into the body. This is nothing less than a complete psychic takeover.

Generally NOT a good idea! Especially if it’s questionable Custodial entities that you’re inviting to take over your life.

I would encourage anybody who has had an interest in yoga to take a long, hard look at this system. If you look into some of the original vedas (written texts) they openly state that you are INVITING GODS INTO YOUR BODY as you PERFORM CERTAIN HIGHLY REGIMENTED PHYSICAL POSTURES.

Do you want to be doing this? This isn’t about getting the equivalent of a nice workout on the treadmill. It’s no longer just about physical exercise. You need to look into the true esoteric origins of yoga and ask if you really need to be inviting something foreign – and likely to be Custodial in nature – into your body.

I’m just sayin’! Take a closer look, folks.

Primary Perception – Extraordinary Ability We All Possess

Primary Perception by Cleve Backster is one of the most important books to be published.


Like, you should get it immediately. I’m not kidding.

I’m sure you’ve heard about those kooky experiments from the 60’s and 70’s where people tried to talk with their plants and did things like playing classical music to help the plants grow.

And those things DID help, silly as they might sound.  And they produced measurable results.

Primary perception is a term coined by researcher Cleve Backster who was one of the first researchers to begin studying the communication between different life forms. His work was written about in the classic bestseller “The Secret Life of Plants,” but Primary Perception is the only book he’s written about his own work. The full title of his book is Primary Perception: Biocommunication with Plants, Living Foods and Human Cells, and it’s published by White Rose Millennium Press. It came out in 2003.

From a review by Paul Von Ward:

“My plant read my mind!” — On February 2nd, 1966 this realization forever changed the life of the FBI and CIA’s foremost polygraph researcher and reintroduced modern science to the sentient nature of our universe. On that date the brilliant and disciplined mind of Cleve Backster conceived an irrefutable paradigm-busting scientific protocol. With straightforward electronics that a student or garage-level scientist can replicate, he proved to humans that their thoughts and emotions affect the behavior of their own and other living cells.

Another excerpt:

This new book is the first extensive and progressive account of Backster’s work, which is more innovative and potentially useful to humanity than that of most who receive Nobel prizes in life sciences. By Cleve Backster himself, it includes well-designed graphics and historically valuable photographs that portray a lifetime of ground-breaking research. Backster explains to the reader how plants perceive and react to human thoughts about them. He then illustrates how electroded eggs react to other eggs being dropped into boiling water. And how plants react to the eggs’ reaction to the experimenter’s intentions. He shows how yogurt cells communicate with one another and other species. Backster then describes the collection of human cells (leukocytes and blood) and the instrumentation that records their reactions to the thoughts and emotions of their donor.

Backster’s work is ground breaking because he has not only proven that all living things are interconnected and constantly responding to one another, but he teaches a relatively simple way to set up your own machine for testing these responses. Never does he insist that he is a guru or a master of advanced physics. Instead, he simply shares his own research with enthusiasm and clarity.

But the implications of his work for all of humanity are astounding.

Can you in this very moment, from your current place of looking at things, deal with the concept that YOGURT CULTURES have intelligence and feel pain?

Can you handle the concept that when you take a head of broccoli out of your refrigerator and cut it up for dinner, the potted plant sitting on your dining table is going through real stress as it senses its plant cousin being consumed?

That’s what Backster’s work is showing.

It’s mind-bending stuff.

You can read his book quickly the first time and you’ll be intrigued by what you read.

But it’s after you’ve finished the book that you start thinking in a different way.

All indigenous traditions have long held the belief that everything in creation is sentient, alive, and aware, and that we are all connected through a field of energy that is sometimes referred to as Great Spirit.

But we modern thinkers usually set those notions off to the side and rarely bother to consider them.

And yet, the basis for this awareness is hidden in some of our everyday traditions.

Why do you think some people like to say “grace” and give thanks before eating a meal?

Is it simply a process of giving thanks to a bountiful Creator for the food on your table?

Or is is more a loving acknowledgment of the living elements of your dining experience – the animals who have become your main course, the vegetables, grains and fruit which will be consumed throughout supper?

Because if each of those elements is (or once was) alive and sentient, fully aware, it puts a new spin on things.

If your broccoli can feel pain – not just when you consume it, but FROM THE MOMENT IT BECOMES AWARE THAT IT IS GOING TO BE CONSUMED (as Backster’s work suggests,) – that changes things a bit, doesn’t it?

I believe that understanding primary perception is very important. It’s not about chasing after extrasensory perception or elusive psychic abilities. He’s talking about something very basic, very instinctual, and very real that every living thing on this planet possesses.

And if we aspire to anything greater in our evolution, and if we want to live at peace with others in our environment, we have a lot to learn about honoring the many living creatures who are accompanying us on this journey.

And it’s by making those distinctions – becoming more aware, more compassionate, more conscious of the needs and responses of others – that allows us to overcome the hypnotic sleep the Custodians have put on us. They’ve lured us into believing that we are “chosen” beings, better than animals, greater than plants or minerals, and it turns out it’s just another line of bullshit they’ve fed us.

Because we’re all in this together – every stinking living thing. And we’d better learn to honor this and to take it into account as we travel through life, even if it’s a whole hell of a lot easier to remain asleep and dumb.

Again with the Freakin’ Vampires – Breaking Dawn Sells 13 Million Copies

One recurring Custodial theme is the pursuit and worship of immortality.

There are a lot of questions raised by the Sumerian texts, which suggest that the “gods” who came down from Nibiru lived a lot longer than humans. This made them appear immortal to the shorter lived folks.

Yet some of the gods and goddesses clearly aged – this is mentioned later on in some of the texts. It just took them a lot longer to do so. This may have been because Nibiru was said to have an extremely long, elliptical orbit around the sun, so one year on Nibiru was like 3600 of our Earth years.

At some point after humanity had been created, the Custodians began interbreeding with humans. Genesis obliquely refers to this as the Sons of God breeding with the Daughters of Men.

These half-breeds or half-gods were often long-lived as well. And they possessed intriguing powers, unusual intelligence, or supernatural beauty. Think of the Greek heroes like Achilles who were said to be children of various gods. They possessed mighty talents that separated them from normal men.

Remember how the Bible talks about Noah living a long time? At the time of the Biblical flood he was said to be 600 years old.

This would have been physically plausible if he had been “half-god” and half human. The children of the Custodians inherited some of their physiology.

Probably because of this era in our early history when some humans were living such a long time, the pursuit of immortality (or at least a very long life) has been a constant source of fascination for us throughout the ages.

With this fascination comes a preoccupation with modern characters in contemporary entertainment like the X-Men mutants with their special powers, and of course the continual obsession with vampires.

I hadn’t heard of the Twilight series until today. It’s a young adult book series about a girl who falls in love with a vampire. He’s vegetarian, though, so it’s okay. The bad vampires chase them around and they have many adventures throughout the series.

The latest book in the series is called Breaking Dawn, and it sold 13 million copies in one day.

This series is beating all the records for book sales. It’s even giving Harry Potter a serious run for his money.

Hey, it’s great that young people are reading a book once in a while.

But again with the freakin’ vampire worship. GEESH!

The whole vampire mystique is all about embracing the dark Custodial energies. The obsession with drinking blood, the quest for immortality, and the outright misery and depression that the vampires are always experiencing – it’s Anne Rice all over again.

By the way, Anne Rice is planning one last Lestat novel. So we have that to look forward to.

I think part of our fascination with these Custodial themes is because we have such a dysfunctional and mysterious relationship with these beings. They’re like the parent who abuses the hell out of you and then you spend the rest of your life longing for them in this twisted way, because deep down in your heart you long for a close connection with those who gave birth to you, even though they treat you like crap and are entirely, hopelessly psychotic.

Will we ever get over it and identify these insane, amoral beings for the rat bastards that they are?

One can hope.

Breaking Dawn Sells 13 Million Copies in One Day.

Clarification of Terms – Good, Evil, Etc.

I realized after rereading my last posts that I should probably clarify what I mean by words like “good” or “evil” or “Satan,” “Satanic,” etc.

At the heart of the Custodial mystery lies the issue of the hijacking of the human soul. The Custodians seem really good at this. Humanity is allegedly their physical creation, the byproduct of a mixture of their own DNA with more apelike humanoids who were already living on the planet. And they supposedly taught us many things such as agriculture, architecture, engineering, music, astrology/astronomy, and more. Many things the Custodians did would seem to be “positive” in the sense that they allowed us to advance our knowledge and grow in skills.

So there were some supposedly friendly Custodial beings who were more interested in empowering humanity with information. But there were also more restrictive, draconian, and controlling Custodians.

In the Sumerian texts this conflict was expressed through Enlil and Enki, two brothers who came down with the other Custodians from a planet called Nibiru. The entire group was said to be the creators of humans in their current form.

Enki was always trying to give us stuff and encourage us. Enlil was much more guarded in his affection for humanity and treated us a bit like a bastard stepchild. He tended to get angry at us all the time and treat us like slaves or meat – in other words, he was hardly a loving father figure. (Traces of the hard to please Jehovah, anyone?)

But nowhere along the way was the average human given clear, easy-to-understand, simple to apply techniques for accessing or enhancing the spiritual side of his nature. Oh, sure, you had the ancient mystery schools, most of them originated by Custodial beings (Thoth, Diana, and the other mystery cults.) But they all operated from the vantage point that metaphysical information about mankind’s spiritual nature should be withheld from the masses.

Why? So as to better enslave them.

If the average human was caught up in constant physical toil and hard work, spending every minute focused on mere survival, and he lacked any schooling in understanding what happens after the body dies, then he would never learn how to LEAVE this prison planet and regain his home amongst the other spiritual energy beings he originated from.

Because a human is not just a physical self. He is a spiritual self as well.

The Custodians have always exerted extreme control over the flow of information about the nature of the human soul and the unfolding of psychic gifts. Developing our psychic gifts is important, because they allow us to perceive the higher dimensions and orient ourselves towards a nonphysical “home.”

And the Custodians put many gatekeepers in place in the form of priests and priestesses who heavily policed all spiritual practices, creating mindless rituals (and often bloody ones – see the human sacrifice traditions of the Aztecs and the Mayans) for the masses without ever explaining what these practices were supposed to accomplish.

Those who didn’t follow religious tradition were often punished, and they still are today – especially if they dare to ask questions like “Why are we pretending to eat Jesus’ flesh and drink his blood again?” “Why is God referred to as ‘they’ in Genesis instead of ‘he?” “And who are the Elohim, the Watchers, the giants, and the other mysterious beings alluded to in the old texts?”

Don’t ask questions – you’ll get burned at the stake.

At the darkest heart of many Custodial traditions is the repression of human knowledge, the hijacking of humanity’s inherent spirit of inquiry and experimentation, and a horrible, systemic form of mind control that fools humans into forgetting that they are spiritually sovereign beings first (i.e. owned by no one, self-contained and autonomous) – and physical bodies second.

And that’s what I have a problem with. And that’s why this Custodial Smackdown blog was created.

Whether you believe in a fallen angel named Lucifer, or a being named Satan, there are a lot of very dark, vicious, and “anti-soul” practices woven into many Custodial beliefs and practices.

I sometimes lump these into the category of being “Satanic” or “evil” because to me they are an incredible perversion, unbelievably nasty tools for enslavement.

No sane being based in anything approaching love would purposefully force eternal, immortal, and limitless energy beings into physical bodies – bodies that experience incredible pain and limitation, and which quickly decay and die.

No sane being that is loving would at the same time PURPOSEFULLY WITHHOLD information about these energy beings’ true nature from them and encourage or cause complete spiritual amnesia for them, dooming them to continual reincarnation and disorientation between lifetimes.

Something very bad has been happening to humanity almost since day one of our creation.

And our “creators” have a lot to answer for.

For purposes of future discussion here, please know that while I continue to explore the idea of an actual being called Satan or Lucifer existing (and indeed, he may be one of the Custodians,) when I talk about something being Satanic, evil, or dark, I’m usually talking about conditioning or practices that are anti-freedom, anti-growth, and spiritually enslaving.

In other words, Satanic practices move us into alignment with the most materialistic, chaotic, “anti-life” and base energies – the complete opposite pole from energies of expansion, self-awareness, and personal growth.

The challenge we face living down here is to recognize when something or someone we’re plugging into is pulling us in the wrong direction. It all comes down to a litmus test of “Does this enrich my intelligence, expand my capacities to feel love and experience awareness?” or “Does this dull my wits, drain me of joy and love, and magnetize me to energies of chaos, hatred, and despair?”

It’s by aiming ourselves at one and doing our best to avoid the influences of the other that true progress can be made!

And that’s what the intention is for this blog – to help provide some potential blueprints on how to do this effectively, bypassing the pitfalls and traps that the Custodians have laid for us.

James Casbolt on the Watchers

Recently I’ve been checking out a fascinating website published by a man named James Casbolt who claims to be a former MI6 agent who worked in ‘Black ops’ drug trafficking operations in London between 1995 and 1999. He is coming forward as a whistleblower type and talking a lot about various black operations that have involved psychically gifted people. Too often the military and other black operations focus on “weaponizing” psychic abilities. That’s what has happened to Casbolt as he has been involved with many remote viewing and other operations. He possesses strong psychic abilities which were exploited during his time in M16.

Whether you take his material as truth or not, his site is very interesting. He is gradually publishing chapters from a book that exposes a lot of insider information about the tie-ins between the military, various mystical brotherhoods like the Rosicrucians and the White Lotus organization, and psychic assassins or psychic spies.

He recently published Chapter Two and he has a few things to say about “The Watchers.” The Watchers are the same Custodians mentioned in all ancient religions – they are simply given different names. In the Bible they are called The Watchers.

The fallen angels were known in Hebrew as ‘Irin,’ meaning ‘those who watch’. This is translated into Greek as ‘Grigori,’ meaning ‘Watchers’. Other factions of these secret societies base their teachings around more ‘Christian’ principles and the ancient Book of Enoch. This ancient text includes accounts of the watchers, and many of the early Christian church leaders used the work from the first to the third centuries AD.


This is why the real secrets of freemasonry are taught at the 33rd degree. The Watchers descended from other planets onto earth in ancient times onto Mt. Hermon just north of Dan/Kaish in the Middle East. This mountain is on the 33rd degree latitude. When you reach the 33rd degree of masonry, you enter the ‘Illuminati’ degrees and are taught the ‘secrets of the angels.’

And then he writes this:

The Watchers had good and evil amongst them. Archangel Michael is named as a physical watcher in the Middle East in the Dead Sea Scrolls. The battle between the ‘Sons of Light’ and the ‘Sons of Darkness’ is mentioned in this work. This battle still rages today.

Yes, the Archangels also are called into question as you go deeper into the Custodian history.

Remember how Gabriel was the angel who appeared to Mary, the soon-to-be mother of Jesus, telling her she was to give birth while still a virgin?

Recall how Gabriel was the angel who spoke with the prophet Mohammed, who went on to found Islam and write the Koran based on communications with Gabriel?

Were the archangels good guys or bad guys – or something else? They certain seem very entwined with the mysteries of the Custodial energies.

Some researchers also draw Jesus into the web of questions – was he a Custodial offspring, perhaps brought into the world via artificial insemination? (i.e. “Virgin birth” or procreation without intercourse.)

And then there are Mary’s grandparents – Mary’s mother was also alleged to be a virgin and was told by an angel that she was with child.

Just what have the Custodians been up to over time?

It’s all a very complicated web.

Anyway, you should check out James Casbolt’s material for an insightful read.

The main site is here:

And the link to chapter two of his book, which I reference above, is here:
Chapter Two – Agent Buried Alive,

Batman Movie and Dark Satanic Energies

Did you see the new Batman movie?

I have to admit that if I had listened to my intuition, I never would have seen it. I had an aversion to it even though I had enjoyed the first movie well enough. Part of that feeling was probably due to the death of Heath Ledger, whose image and performance I knew would be exploited in the hyper-promotion of the film. A real death cult can arise around certain tragic movie stars who die before their films come out. Think of the weird and crazy fans of Brandon Lee, the son of Bruce Lee who was actually killed while filming the movie The Crow from a supposed mistaken firing of a gun that everyone thought was loaded with blanks.

I could sense that a similar cultural fixation was arising around Heath and his death from a drug overdose, and that the viewing of Batman was going to be turned into a ritual vortex of negative energies.

Still, I went to see it with a friend.

It was a complicated, convoluted film with too many characters. Heath Ledger’s performance was fine enough and the movie would have been better if it had just been about him and Batman. But there were lots of subplots, and one particularly gruesome plot line involving Harvey Dent which was just inexcusable for a PG -13 movie. The kids in the theater with me were noticeably traumatized by the gruesome stuff going on with Dent at the end of the movie, and their parents should have been warned. These were kids of 12, 13, far too young for what should have been an R rated film.

So the entire PR machine around this film was getting very dark, and after seeing the movie I felt that it was essentially a ritual sacrifice type of movie exploiting both the energies of Heath Ledger and his death and also something very dark and nasty, probably demonic, riding in on the scenes of Harvey Dent’s mutilation and possibly a lot of mind control and subliminals also woven into the film.

Compare that with Hellboy 2, which I found to be a spiritually compelling, fascinating, funny and fun exploration of life in many dimensions – from supernatural creatures to earth devas to elves. Fascinating and good movie – check it out if you haven’t already. It’s a very interesting film from a metaphysical standpoint and it does not celebrate darkness at all – in fact, it illuminates morals and love in a really cool way.

Batman had none of that. It was just a suffocating immersion in yuck.

Well, I had a feeling that there was more weirdness to come with Batman.

It of course made an obscene amount of money in a short amount of time.

Then around the time of the Batman premiere in the UK, Batman star Christian Bale was arrested for assault in a weird incident involving his mother and sister.

In the UK the definition of assault is a little different than it is here in the US. In the US assault has to involve physical touch. In the UK it can just involve threatening words.

Reports from the scene contradict each other, but apparently Bale has long been estranged from his mom and sister, and I believe the women have each had reported problems with drugs. Anyway, they supposedly showed up at his hotel demanding to be let up to his room and caused a scene. Then they were very unruly when he let them into his room and may have made threats like “You owe us!” and said something derogatory about Bale’s wife. Bale got mad and probably made some threatening noises like “Back off,” and the entire thing escalated into a case of “He said vs. she said and she said,” and it ended in his brief arrest.

I felt like Bale, being the center piece of this movie, was being bombarded by a lot of negative and strange energy as this film came out, and these chaos energies or even Custodial energies were working on everybody involved with the movie.

Well, today I was saddened to hear that Morgan Freeman, another star of the film, was just in a very serious car accident. Apparently they had to use the jaws of life to extract him from the car. He has supposedly broken a shoulder and an arm and is is serious but stable condition. I hope he is okay as I really like him and he brings a unique humane quality to all of his work. He’s kind of an elder wise man type and I do hope he and his family are okay.

The problem is that Freeman was just in two very dark films – his role in Batman was rather small, but he also played a leading role in a dark movie called Wanted. Wanted is about a young kid who discovers he has unusual genetics which allow him to react fast and heal quickly, and he is recruited to become an assassin by a mysterious group called The Weavers. Morgan Freeman plays the head of the Weavers who decides who must live and who must die (for the greater good, supposedly.)

It’s a somewhat mindless shoot ’em up movie, and the kid character is kind of funny and offbeat, yet the movie overall is very dark. It’s all about teaching the kid how to kill people.

I wonder energetically if being involved with Batman and Wanted plugged Freeman into too many Custodial or dark energies, and if it stirred up chaos in his life, leading to his car accident.

Something very negative is “feeding” off the Batman movie, its watchers, and its actors right now.

I would advise psychically shielding yourself before you watch either movie as there are probably a lot of undesirable parasites hanging on in the etheric surrounding both films. And if you feel restless, angry, or emotionally disturbed after viewing either picture, then you definitely need to do some psychic clearing on yourself to shake off any residual goop.

Editor’s Note: This blog entry has a follow up post here: Psychopaths, It’s All in Your Brain.

Why Communion is a Satanic Ritual

I’m a big fan of the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament. Although no doubt this great man’s words were heavily altered, and indeed, the real guy may have been very little like we read about in the Gospels, there is something so loving and powerful about his energy. It shines right through those dusty pages and speaks to the heart, somehow. It makes you really wish you had been around when he walked the Earth, so you could see and sense firsthand what was going on with this incredible teacher.

The problem as I see it is all the crap that has been overlaid his material since he left us. He never intended for there to be a draconian, bloodthirsty organization forcing worship of him as a divine being on millions of people around the world. Crusades? Inquisitions? Crucifixions? That’s the consciousness of the Custodians, who were worshipped in ancient Rome and ancient Greece (and Egypt, Babylonia, India, China – you name it.) That doesn’t seem to be about him or what he taught – it was the influence of the Custodians trying to hijack the real teachings of Jesus, which were pretty much all about love, kindness, and altruism.

Well, the Custodians didn’t want any of that!

So they added some really nasty stuff into the equation. Now followers of Jesus were supposed to regularly engage in a mystical ritual whereby they emulated DRINKING HIS BLOOD and EATING HIS FLESH.

It’s called Communion. And at Communion you eat a piece of bread and drink a small vial of grape juice or wine and you’re supposed to pretend you’re eating Jesus.


Hmm. Satanism, anyone? Vampires? Hello!


Amitakh Stanford is a controversial writer who has some interesting ideas at her website, Some of it veers into territory that seems classically Custodial – especially when she talks about how there are only a certain amount of “viable beings” left on the planet and how they are all going to be “rescued” soon (shades of that tried and true Apocalyptic nonsense that is a main feature of all Custodial teachings.)

But I do like what she has to say in this article from July 16:

Regardless of what explanations the Church gives about the Eucharist, the Church has erred and made a mockery of Christ and the True God. Jesus did not want anything resembling the Eucharist, symbolic or otherwise. The whole ritual of symbolically eating the flesh of Jesus is cannibalistic, and horribly offensive to the True Light. The vampiric ritual of drinking the blood of Jesus is repulsively demonic. Only a ghoul would favour such sickening rituals. Only the Anti-Christ would want others to mock Jesus in such a way, week-after-week in “holy” communion. Only the bloodthirsty ghoul who pretends to be a loving god would instigate and spread such gory rituals to contaminate the innocence of “children”, whilst simultaneously rewarding the overt demons with the putrid “pleasures” of the Eucharist. It is no wonder that some people express such love for the Eucharist because they feel empowered by devouring the flesh of Jesus and quaffing His blood.

Entire article here: The Personal Devil

Why indeed would any rational person knowingly engage in ritual blood drinking and flesh eating as part of their faith?

Do just a tiny bit of research into Satanism and it’s all about ritual sacrifice of the body, preferably of someone young, virgin, and pure.


Can we say, the Custodians strike again?

They took a sincere desire in people to honor the man and spirit of Jesus and warped it by inserting a perverse practice that only degrades spiritual energy, instead of uplifting it.

If Jesus actually said “Eat of this bread, it is my body” or “Drink of this wine, it is my blood,” I’ll eat my hat!

A spiritual master would never urge his followers to do that.

Sounds like something that was added at the Council of Nicaea in 325AD. They were the ones who removed all references to reincarnation from Jesus’s speeches in the Bible. If they could remove that and effectively banish the idea of reincarnation forever from the Christian faith, what other concepts were removed or inserted?

Things that make you go “Hmmmmm. . . .I smell a Custodian around here.”

It’s Time for a Custodial Smackdown

Hi everybody. Welcome to this blog, Custodial Smackdown.

Why have I seen the need for yet another blog?

I’m certainly nobody special. But more and more I feel a need to expose authentic information about the beings that are often called the Custodians. This is a term used in William Bramley’s excellent book, The Gods of Eden. He uses it to refer to the questionable beings –  extraterrestrial or interdimensional in origin – who appear to be at the bottom of much human strife and suffering. They are custodial in the sense that early in mankind’s appearance on this planet, these beings claimed ownership of us.

Whether they really created our physical forms remains to be seen. Even if they did, they do not own the spiritual aspect of our nature. Yet they seem highly motivated to induce a kind of spiritual amnesia in us, so we forget our unique power as spiritual beings or energy beings and become more and more bound in the world of matter.  Hence the creation of all the world’s religions, which almost always contain elements of Custodial worship.

Here are some of the problems I see right now with humanity and our relationship with the Custodians.

1)   Humanity has confused the idea of honoring “god” (an eternal, divine consciousness of intelligence, order and love) with a misguided addiction to a group of dysfunctional, warlike beings it has come to view as “gods.” Sometimes monotheistic (one god) religions which attempt to express reverence for the divine are still caught up worshipping one of these ancient Custodial beings. So even when we’re raising our hearts and minds in sincere prayer, too often we’re invoking that bloodthirsty maniac Jehovah, or Allah, beings who are part of that same group of wacko Custodians that have been enslaving humanity for centuries. Even the “Amen” which is commonly used at the end of a prayer is an homage to an ancient custodial god, Amon. Almost every spiritual activity humans engage in has been infiltrated by an allegiance to Custodial energies.

2) If we begin walking the path away from these false gods, things get complicated. We’re thwarted on every side by mystic and gurus speaking with “ascended masters,” (Custodians) “guides” (often Custodians masquerading as advanced spiritual beings,) and/or “the higher self.” (Although we each have our own spiritual connection to Source, it doesn’t exist outside of us – that’s the realm where manipulation and deception happens, when we’re reaching out to something external for solutions to our problems.)

3) Discernment on the spiritual path is challenging. Genuine perception of the truth, often through extrasensory abilities or psychic senses, is rarely shared because there is so much taboo around talking about psychic perceptions. And since many observations and insights come in the form of lucid dreams or astral experiences (originating in a realm where the Custodians are master manipulators,) it’s important to be comparing notes.  We can’t hope to break free of the illusions and false teachings of these ancient manipulators if we don’t share and exchange ideas. 

4) Psychic possession appears to be real, a byproduct of Custodial energies becoming parasites and attaching themselves to genuine spiritual seekers. So many people we turn to for spiritual guidance end up being compromised themselves as they take yet another Reiki initiation, become indoctrinated into yet another yoga or martial arts system, or study with yet another healer/guru who is compromised by parasitical, mind controlling entities themselves.

5) The tools we need to stay clear of these lying, manipulative entities seem to involve using the heart and the psyche to discern the truth – yet even the heart and the psyche can be manipulated. Cult leaders and cultish organizations often give new members a “love blast,” beaming so much warmth and positive energy at the person that they misread the energies of the group as being positive. Later on they see how the cult’s leadership is compromised with custodial entities, and by then it can be difficult to break free and find wholeness again. So there are lot of stumbling blocks on the path to get information and find fellow seekers to talk to who aren’t themselves compromised.

6) The dark government/black brotherhood appears to be alive and well and working with Custodial presences here on Earth. People who attempt to unearth tools and techniques to free the human spirit from limitation too often become targets of street theater, harassment by very real government and quasi-governmental/military agencies. And they also frequently find themselves locked out of jobs or financial advancement due to the dark brotherhoods who are in charge of many of society’s structures – the corrupt power brokers that punish people who call them on the Custodial energies they are linked into.  So day to day life can be difficult as you seek clarity and truth, because who wants to deal with personal, psychic, and financial harassment?

7) Sincere seekers are pitted against each other. Webmasters often refuse to link to each other unless they share the exact same worldview, and since piecing together a coherent worldview is complicated on this path, two people will rarely see things the same way. And yet instead of supporting each other there is a lot of petty infighting and attack that goes on. Also, negative entities can target people who were formerly friends, causing temporary psychic possession or attack for one or both people, which can split allies apart when they should be working together to overcome the darkness.

We need to break free of this spiderweb of Custodial garbage that has wormed its way into our societies, religions, and family traditions.

That’s what this blog is about – pointing fingers at Custodial stuff, providing first hand experiences about Custodial energies and how to overcome them, and stirring up a dialogue to lead us out of Custodial enslavement and into a reality of much greater empowerment and personal and spiritual strength.

We’re very powerful beings, you know.

That’s what the Custodians are afraid of.

And that’s why they always hit hard when they feel that someone is exposing them too much.

I say it’s time for some payback.

Time for a Custodial smackdown.