New Invisibility & Cloaking Technology Revealed – Except It’s Not New

So when you’re trying to cloak an object and make it appear invisible, there are two steps to the process. First, you have to make the object invisible. Then you need to carefully blur the edges of the object. If you don’t mask the edges, the object will be noticeable as it moves around. You need to bend the light so the edges appear invisible or, at the very least, blurry. You need to make sure that the observer’s focus isn’t drawn to those edges or your “invisible” object just looks silly and attracts major attention.


In other words, you don’t want your invisible object to end up looking like this:

This is a personal photo which a man I know took some years ago of several poorly-cloaked ships he observed in the sky near his home in the MidWest. Whether they were extraterrestrial or military in origin, he didn’t know. But you can see how the ships are poorly masked. You can clearly see the crisp, outer edges of the ships.

If the light had been bent around the edges of the ships, as happens with proper cloaking, you would have simply thought that the cloud mass was broken up into chunks and it would have fooled your eyes more. You’d have seen cloud mass, then open space, then cloud mass, and you wouldn’t have realized that there were these objects in the middle of the clouds. Your eyes would have probably skipped over the dark parts.

Well, the military has been working with invisibility for a long time. The UK Times just released some information about the light bending aspects of this technology, which the article states are coming along quite nicely – but still only in the research stage, of course.  Ahem. Yeah, right.

Science Close to Unveiling Invisible Man

Some excerpts:

Invisibility devices, long the realm of science fiction and fantasy, have moved closer after scientists engineered a material that can bend visible light around objects. The breakthrough could lead to systems for rendering anything from people to large objects, such as tanks and ships, invisible to the eye – although this is still years off.

Xiang Zhang, the leader of the researchers, said: “In the case of invisibility cloaks or shields, the material would need to curve light waves completely around the object like a river flowing around a rock.” An observer looking at the cloaked object would then see light from behind it – making it seem to disappear.

Whenever the “discovery” of some intriguing and highly-advanced type of technology is announced in the news, you have to keep in mind that the real level of technology that has been perfected goes far beyond what is publically released.

Remember the Aurora plane? That was the “secret” hypersonic spy plane said to be capable of Mach 6 performance? People were seeing these strange, triangular shaped planes in the skies and the military was denying that they knew anything about them.

Then we learned that the US Air Force had developed a stealth bomber called the B2. So planes of this type were definitely being tested. Aviation Week and Space Technology Magazine claimed that Aurora referred to an entire group of advanced aircraft products, not one plane in particular. This is a photo of a B2 plane.

It was in March of 1990 that Aviation Week broke the news that the term “Aurora” appeared in the 1985 U.S. budget. It was used in reference to an allocation of some $455 million dollars which was going to be used for Black aircraft production in the fiscal year 1987. Note that thie was for actual PRODUCTION of these planes, not research and development. So these planes were way past the R & D phase and gearing up for production.

Invisibility and cloaking technology have been around for a long time. About seven years ago I was shown this technology. Some subcontractors for the Army were bragging about it and trying to impress me, and they demonstrated it to me on a miniature model of an airplane. They were very pleased with themselves and considered their team to be very smart since they had mastered not just the invisibility aspect but more importantly the cloaking or masking of the edges of the object. As they explained to me, it took them a long time to get that part right, and until they did, the entire technology wasn’t yet viable. But after they mastered the light bending aspects of the technology, invisibility was good to go.

Now, it’s possible that this technology was perfected long before that. The entire spider’s nest of military, black operations, and alphabet soup agencies operate on a highly compartmentalized “need to know” basis, and so it’s rare that one person working in one office knows what anybody else is doing. I think the guys I spoke to genuinely thought they were the first to bring this technology through its full testing phases, and they were associated with the Army, who was doing the primary funding. Their actual team was a subcontracting group to a subcontracting group who contracted with the Army, at least that was the way they explained it to me.

I wasn’t very impressed with any of it, frankly.  I actually was a little embarrassed for them because holographic technology can do much more than what they showed me. I felt like these guys were well-intentioned types tinkering around in the garage while the REAL players and the REALLY advanced tech were being kept from them. Yet they were allowed to stumble along doing their little section of research and were told they were being good boys and girls. (There were female researchers there, too, although I spoke with men during this demonstration.)

So anyway, I have to laugh when the mainstream media takes something that is already a perfected, tried and true piece of “black operations” technology and try to present it to the masses as if the technology is POSSIBLE, at least theoretically, but certainly not viable yet.


Again, it’s all about control of perception, and manipulation of expectation.

If you’ve been told that invisibility technology doesn’t yet exist in any practical, usable form, you’re not going to question the strange things you sense in the sky.

Cloaking and invisibility don’t entirely mask sound, by the way, and neither do they mask atmospheric effects. So if you feel something rushing over you in the skies above, or you hear strange sonic booms or “thunder” without any storm nearby, QUESTION WHAT YOU PERCEIVE.  It’s likely to be a cloaked vehicle.

Whether it belongs to us, the ET’s, or a combination of the two is an entirely different question.

6 Responses

  1. first! i wanna cookie, btw i love big black dicks =] 3===D

  2. that was retart


  3. Government is holding out on us

  4. I fart a lot! My farts are invisible. They are truly silent but deadly!

  5. The second image of clouds is a great example. There has been many sightings of such appearances in the sky and i think its the invisible cloaking tech of the alien ships.

  6. I recently saw a ufo that was cloaked perfeclty you morons because I couldnt see it I just could feel the aura and the aliens contacted my through quantumtelepathicsuperposition. Halleluja

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